A co-creative ecosystem

4Revs (=4 Revolutions) is a flagship project of NELIS which links young social innovators and social entrepreneurs worldwide with corporate innovators and intrapreneurs. The project started in April 2020 with 20+ major Japanese Corporations and Salesforce.com as participants.
We have a global secretariat and research team of more than 30 people working on finding innovative cases from all corners of the world related to the four main survival challenges we need to overcome: (1) FOOD/AGRICULTURE; (2) WATER, (3) RESOURCES/CIRCULAR/ECOSYSTEMS, and; (4) ENERGY/CLIMATE/GHG.
More details about the project can be found in this PDF:
For inquiries about the project, please contact the project lead, NELIS co-founder, Peter David Pedersen: pdp@nelisglobal.org
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