

We are a wide network

of sustainability practitioners and enthusiasts working together around the world tackling some of the main survival challenges we are currently facing!

Explore the map to get an overview of our scope:

Access our complete NELIS Global Directory by becoming a NELIS Member

What do I gain by accessing the NELIS Global Directory?

Access to NELIS members’ forums

By participating in these thematic forums you will have the chance to get in touch and share your voice with people from all over the world with diverse expertise and backgrounds on sustainability.

Showcase your events HERE!

Having access to the Directory gives you the opportunity to invite other NELIS Members to your sustainability-related events. If you have a launch, a webinar or a crowdfunding campaign, you can use this space to tell everyone about it.

Access to NELIS monthly Q&A private sessions

Every month you can count on a Q&A session in which we will bring expert guests to answer everything you want to know about sustainability-related topics.

Find your dreamed job or entrepreneurial opportunity

In our “I am looking for…” wall you can post your organization’s vacancies, look for the perfect job offer you’ve been waiting for, or even find the right match for your business-partner

And access to our members’ profiles, learn about them and, why not, find your sustainability soulmate!

Student / Low Income
20 USD to 50 USD per year
  Choose an amount between this range depending on your earnings
100 to 150 USD per year
Choose an amount between this range depending on your earnings
250 USD per year
  This is a fix amount for executives