Winds of the Mindo Forest



Oscar Oviedo


45 x 80 cms [5361 x 9450 px]


This image was captured in the forests of Mindo, Ecuador. Here we see a hummingbird flying freely through the forest. A few days ago while travelling in Argentina I came across a museum which had many animals stuffed for training purposes, among them a hummingbird. Seeing it filled me with sadness as it was probably captured for some biological purpose, perhaps. I thought a lot about this hummingbird that I had managed to capture with my camera and I realised how little respect we have for the animals around us, humans often take away their right to freedom and sometimes, in the worst cases, their right to life. Here is a portrait of how these little ones and not only hummingbirds but all animals should be, free in their habitat without any negative human intervention.




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