2023 OMLA Fellowship
The One Million Leaders (OMLA) 2023 Fellowship has been fantastic so far with various sessions to equip and empower the next generations of African leaders.
The past months have been engaging for the Fellows as they are at the building phase of the Fellowship. There were fascinating sessions, such as one about non-violent communication, where Fellows were taught effective communication. “Offers and needs” focused on how to identify the needs of their communities and brilliant ways to offer sustainable and workable solutions to the identified needs. Both sessions were facilitated by Suzan Joy.
OMLA board member Andras Nevai also took the Fellows on a journey through the foundations of leadership. The major highlight of the class was “Only Africans can build Africa: As an African, do not forget your culture and traditions. Rather than learn more about it, listen to elders who are familiar with the history and value it.”
Rich Adeyemi is one of the amazing facilitators for the 2023 Fellowship. He has been doing a great job teaching the Fellows proposal writing, which will enable them to move to the next phase of the Fellowship.

OMLA Fellowship-Lite
2000+ applications were received from 43 African countries, and 52 Fellows were selected for the OMLA 2023 Fellowship. OMLA Fellowship-Lite is a structure built for applicants who weren’t selected for the Fellowship. It aims to connect, inspire and empower young Africans. Furthermore, it allows participants to access training webinars on how to impact their communities with sustainability-driven leadership skills.
OMLA Fellowship-Lite is already underway. An inaugural webinar on goal setting and mapping took place. It was facilitated by OMLA Founding Member Felix Iziomoh, who taught participants how to set specific, measurable and definite goals.