The Buried Diffuser (BD) is a revolutionary new technique for optimal irrigation water management and water conservation. The new technique invented by a Tunisian agronomist Bellachhab Chahbani saves up to 70% of water compared to drip irrigation.
The BD is a system based on early injection and water storage in underground layers of tree farms as a way to increase the yield of fruit trees and vegetable crops.
In actualizing the boom in the agricultural sector, one of the main prerequisites remains the availability of freshwater to enable plant growth. The scarcity of fresh and groundwater resources impedes the survival of plants, trees, and vegetables.
Scarcity and shortage of water resources are on the increase in Tunisia. Most especially about agricultural activities. Drip irrigation consumes more water than available for local farmers and even households.
The buried diffuser is therefore a revolutionary invention that is installed at the roots of irrigated plants and trees. It has numerous advantages concerning conserving water and maximizing use, as it eliminates evaporation losses, reduces tillage.
The diffuser is used by over nine African countries facing water scarcity, including Morocco, where more than 20,000 units were purchased in January 2019 to be used in piloting agricultural projects.

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Overall Description
Chahbani Technologies (CHAHTECH SA) is a Tunisian company specialized in inventing, manufacturing, and distributing innovative irrigation systems such as The Buried Diffuser.
For the actualization of a sustainable environment/ecosystem, there is an interaction of the natural elements that make up the ecosystem. Water, land, energy, climate, and air work hand in hand to sustain the human race. The cultivation of plants for food and rearing of livestock cannot be achieved in the absence of water, and other natural resources.
Now, in Tunisia, agriculture has been affected in recent years as a result of recurring droughts and with only 80,000 hectares of cultivable land under irrigation, cereals and crop production has fluctuated.
Yet, Tunisia has a volume of water reserves estimated at 5billion cubic meters, 55% composed of surface waters and 45% underground, and nearly half of these reserves are situated in the water-rich northern provinces (Oxford Business Group, 2017).
The Buried Diffuser is a revolutionary invention that makes it possible to manage irrigation water in an optimal way while conserving it.
In explaining how it works, Chahbani, the inventor of Buried Diffuser, stated that “the air injected into the irrigation water in the form of small bubbles consists mainly of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. These gases, when they reach the root zone, contribute greatly to the development of microbes and small animal life in these soils. These beneficial small animals consume gases for their growth and multiplication and transform solid or liquid fertilizers into molecules that are absorbed by the roots”.
Main features or highlights
The Buried Diffuser is a new technique for underground irrigation, which is with no doubt the most efficient technique to bring water to the roots. The invention’s uniqueness lies in its features which highlights the use and importance of water conservation, and the agricultural boom. The main features include;
- The BD enables the injection of water to deep soil layers from water retention structures. During droughts, trees produce normally as a result of the injection in the deep soil layers which could last for three (3) years. It, therefore, exploits water resources during the rainy season and conserves the water through the injection especially for drought seasons.
- The injection of water to deep soil layers from natural sources.
- It makes room for anticipated irrigation orchards or forestry
- plantation and annual crop.
- The BD is also manufactured in three different types for three
- different uses.
- The three different types include;
- The Tree buried Diffuser is used for the irrigation of all kinds of trees like banana, mango, orange, grape, apple, date palm, etc.

The Vegetable Buried Diffuser is used for the irrigation of vegetables in fields and in greenhouses. It is used on many vegetables such as melon, watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, etc.

The Container Plants Buried Diffusers is used for irrigation plants in containers, pots or boxes. They are sold in pairs.

Why is this revolutionary?
The Buried Diffuser has been tagged a revolutionary invention most especially as its use solves dual problems of the environment and man. Its ability to conserve water and at the same time improve crop yield makes it a technique worth promoting. In any case, the numerous revolutionary features include;
- It encourages great irrigation and saves water
- It leads to an improved crop productivity
- The diffuser is energy saving. It works with gravity as well as the
- conventional water pressure. When using gravity, the irrigation is non-stop during many days because there is no use for expensive pumps and there are no associated maintenance costs.
- Reduces the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere in the greenhouse
- Reduces soil salinization
- Reduces labor for the maintenance of soil
- Reduces the number of fertilizers to be used
- Reduces the use of pesticides and herbicides
- Reduces air pollution
Concrete examples
At the International Agricultural Fair in Meknes (SIAM) and Water Expo and Forum 2013 in Casablanca, CHAHTECH and its partners were able to market the Buried Diffuser.
The success of the event which saw in attendants hundreds of visitors including engineers, scientists, farmers, and technicians was attributed to the massive flow of people into the diffuser booth for demos and presentations on how it works.
Mr. Fouad DOUIRI, the Moroccan Minister of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment, and Mr. Babaud Darret, Minister of Water and Forests of Cote d’Ivoire entered a new partnership as regards the installation of the Buried Diffuser in Morocco.
The Buried Diffuser as an innovative solution providing concrete answers to farmer’s problems was definitely adopted with several putting-in in many regions planned.

Boris N., (2020), ‘Tunisia: ‘Underground Diffuser’ Innovation that saves 100% of irrigated water. Published at Afrik21: Green Economy and Sustainable Growth in Africa. Available at https://www.afrik21.africa/en/tunisia-underground-diffuser-innovation- that-saves-100-of-irrigated-water/
Oxford Business School, (2017), ‘Technological Innovation helps with Tunisia’s dry agricultural climate. Available at https://oxfordbusinessgroup.com/analysis/preparation-and-innovation- drier-conditions-are-being-met-technological-innovations
Related Resources
Address; Chahbani Technologies, BP 466 Hount Souk, Djerba 4180 — Tunisia
Phone: +21675654391, +21698254383
People Behind
Website: http://chahtech.com/index.html CEO & Founder: Bellachhab Chahbani