Next Leaders University

NLU is a global sustainability learning platform, designed, developed and delivered by local sustainability practitioners.
The access to a unique and dynamic global training platform with innovative cases from the entire world, in the form of videos and webinars.
1. NLU connects local actors who face sustainability challenges on a daily basis with other leaders and global organisations. NLU believes that it is time for ground-level practitioners to inspire, help and support global policy & decision-makers and corporate strategy planners.
2. NLU creates exclusive content through a platform which encourages facilitators and trainers from the NELIS network to share their local expertise and experiences at a global level. NLU adapts its processes to the specific needs of both its facilitators and clients.
3. NLU services are delivered through an online platform and its worldwide network of local facilitators. The NLU training platform links with other key NELIS initiatives and global partners, responding dynamically to client needs.
Explore Courses
Learn from those who are facing their own challenges and develop practical skills
to maximize your positive impact in the world through our NLU Micro Trainings.